Is the cure WORSE than the disease for the KIDS??
(updated 28-11-21)

To answer that question i tried using a mathematical approach, cause luckily a lot of the numbers to answer that question is all publicly available..

1st number vaccinated between 12-17 years of age.

First i went to the website which is a website made available by ECDC (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control)

From there i got the number of all vaccinated people in EU (313.889.349) (see picture 1), and all vaccinated people over 18 in EU (298.922.725) (see picture 1), i did that because there were no publicly data available on the 12-17 years agegroup, but as we are not yet vaccinating below 12 years of age, we can assume that if we subtract "all vaccinated people over 18 in EU (298.922.725)" from "all vaccinated people in EU (313.889.349)" we will have the remaining 12-17 years of age left:

313.889.349 - 298.922.725 = 14.966.624 We will use this number later on...!

Picture 1. (continued below the picture, beware the screenshot is from 24-11-21 so the numbers i use now 28-11-21 is higher)

2nd number estimated risk of dying between 12-17 years of age.

The risk of dying WITH COVID19 for this age group is luckily very very low, this is also why many doctors world wide have spoken against vaccinating kids in general, I will not be digging into those for you though, so let's get back to the numbers instead

At cdc's website there is an estimated dead pr. 1.000.000 cases in their Planning Scenario for healthcare workers, latest updated march this year, where they added the planning scenario for specific 0-17 years of age (see picture 2).

Picture 2. (continued below the picture)

The page stages that the numbers cannot be used to calculate the impact (see picture 3)
but in Denmark only 3 kids has died with covid19 between 0-19 years of age since the beginning.

From the start of the “pandemic” in March last year, to today - ie 20 months, there are a total of 3 dead with corona, in the group 0-19 years

The first death was a child between 0-9 years back in Feb this year, who already had serious health problems, and according to the mother was pickled in the emergency department as they could not find a place in the pandemic section, and otherwise the child died of a pulmonary hemorrhage and was tested negative for corona at the time of death according to the mother's statements on facebook.

The second child was a 5-year-old multi-handicapped boy who lived in a fenry house (residential institution in Aarhus)

In comparison there died 29 kids the inflenza season 2017/2018 which is from week 40 to week 20
(7.5 months) 29 kids, related to influenza, of which 24 of them never reached 5 years of age.

2020/2021 (20 months) 3 dead children WITH corona
2017/2018 (7.5 months) 29 dead children related to influenza, 24 of them were under 5 years.

Picture 3 (continued below te picture)

Therefore I think that the numbers are sufficient

I will be be making calculations on both Scenario 1 (Best Case Scenario) and Scenario 5 (Current Best Estimate)

Scenario 1 (Best Case)
6 death pr. 1.000.000 = (6 / 1.000.000) * 100 =
99,9994 % survivalrate or in other words 0,0006 % of dying WITH covid19

Out of 14.966.624 now vaccinated kids, 89,7997 kids would have died with covid according to these numbers
(14.966.624 / 1.000.000) * 6 = 89,7997

Scenario 5 (Current Best Estimate)
20 death pr. 1.000.000 = (20 / 1.000.000) * 100 =
99,998 % survivalrate or in other words 0,0020 % of dying WITH covid19

Out of 14.966.624 now vaccinated kids, 299,3325 kids would have died with covid according to these numbers
(14.966.624 / 1.000.000) * 20 = 299,3325

3rd number we need is the number of reported posible vaccine injuries

That number is available from the EudraVigilance database, and in the numbers below is BOTH the Pfizer and the Moderna experimental "vaccine" combined, i did that because the number of overall vaccinated kids is an overall number of all vaccines, although there is a few kids vaccinated with others of the experimental "vaccines", we primerly uses the Pfizer and the Moderna so the other "vaccines" will not be counted in.

To verify the numbers open one of the databaselinks below
Direct link to COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE PFIZER-BIONTECH in the EU Vaccine Injury Database
Direct link to COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE MODERNA (CX-024414) in the EU Vaccine Injury Database

The likelihood of getting any of the side effects pfizer and moderna "vaccines" combined

The likelihood of getting any of the side effects listed below is 0,1832 % (or 27.419 out of 14.966.624 had one of the side effects below)

(27.419 / 14.966.624) * 100 = 0,1832 %

In other words the risk of getting any of these side effects is 305,33 (using Best Case Scenrio from above - from now called BCS) or 91,60 (using Current Best Estimate scenario from above - from now called CBE) times higher than the risk dying WITH covid-19

689      Blood and lymphatic system disorders 0,0046 % or 7,67 times higher than BCS, and 2,30 times higher CBE
1.607   Cardiac disorders 0,0107 % or 17,83 times higher than BCS, and 5,35 times higher CBE
10        Congenital, familial and genetic disorders 0,00006 % Lower than both BCS and CBE
248      Ear and labyrinth disorders 0,0017 % or 2,83 times higher than BCS, but lower than CBE
9          Endocrine disorders 0,00006 % Lower than both BCS and CBE
494      Eye disorders 0,0033 % or 5,50 times higher than BCS, and 1,65 times higher CBE
2.592   Gastrointestinal disorders 0,0173 % or 28,83 times higher than BCS, and 8,65 times higher CBE
6.391   General disorders and administration site conditions 0,0427 % or 71,16 times higher than BCS, and 21,35 times higher CBE
36        Hepatobiliary disorders 0,0002 % Lower than both BCS and CBE
395      Immune system disorders 0,0026 % or 4,33 times higher than BCS, and 1,30 times higher CBE
1.014   Infections and infestations 0,0068 % or 11,33 times higher than BCS, and 3,40 times higher CBE
457      Injury, poisoning and procedural complications 0,0030 % or 5,00 times higher than BCS, and 1,50 times higher CBE
899      Investigations 0,0060 % or 10,00 times higher than BCS, and 3,00 times higher CBE
217      Metabolism and nutrition disorders 0,0014 % or 2,33 times higher than BCS, but lower than CBE
2.137   Musclioskeletal and connective tissue disorders 0,0143 % or 23,83 times higher than BCS, and 7,15 times higher CBE
17        Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) 0,0001 % Lower than both BCS and CBE
5.029   Nervous system disorders 0,0336 % or 56,00 times higher than BCS, and 16,8 times higher CBE
2          Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions 0,00001 % Lower than both BCS and CBE
7          Product issues 0,00005 % Lower than both BCS and CBE
373      Psychiatric disorders 0,0025 % or 4,17 times higher than BCS, and 1,25 times higher CBE<
116      Renal and urinary disorders 0,0008 % or 1,33 times higher than BCS, but lower than CBE
1.369   Reproductive system and breast disorders 0,0091 % or 15,17 times higher than BCS, and 4,55 times higher CBE
1.347   Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders 0,0090 % or 15,00 times higher than BCS, and 4,50 times higher CBE
1.566   Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders 0,0104 % or 17,33 times higher than BCS, and 5,20 times higher CBE
63        Social circumstances 0,0004 % Lower than both BCS and CBE
44        Surgical and medical procedures 0,0003 % Lower than both BCS and CBE
591      Vascliar disorders 0,0039 % or 6,50 times higher than BCS, and 1,95 times higher CBE

The likelihood of getting any of the side effects Pfizer "vaccine"

The likelihood of getting any of the side effects listed below is 0,1714 % (or in other words 25.660 out of 14.966.624 had one of the side effects below), but keep in mind that i use the overall number from both "vaccines" so the numbers is a bit higher than the numbers below (this is also why I haven't made BCS and CBE calculations)

(25.660 / 14.966.624) * 100 = 0,1714 %
In other words the risk of getting any of these side effects is 285,67 (using best case scenrio from above) or 85,70 (using Current Best Estimate scenario from above) times higher than the risk dying WITH covid-19

627      Blood and lymphatic system disorders 0,0042 %
1.495   Cardiac disorders 0,0100 %
10        Congenital, familial and genetic disorders 0,00006 %
231      Ear and labyrinth disorders 0,0015 %
9          Endocrine disorders 0,00006 %
455      Eye disorders 0,0030 %
2.439   Gastrointestinal disorders 0,0163 %
5.808   General disorders and administration site conditions 0,0388 %
30        Hepatobiliary disorders 0,0002 %
363      Immune system disorders 0,0024 %
969      Infections and infestations 0,0065 %
313      Injury, poisoning and procedural complications 0,0021 %
863      Investigations 0,0058 %
200      Metabolism and nutrition disorders 0,0013 %
1.977   Musclioskeletal and connective tissue disorders 0,0132 %
17        Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) 0,0001 %
4.691   Nervous system disorders 0,0313 %
1          Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions 0,000007 %
6          Product issues 0,00004 %
348      Psychiatric disorders 0,0023 %
110      Renal and urinary disorders 0,0007 %
1.320   Reproductive system and breast disorders 0,0088 %
1.292   Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders 0,0086 %
1.431   Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders 0,0096 %
58        Social circumstances 0,0004 %
30        Surgical and medical procedures 0,0002 %
567      Vascliar disorders 0,0038 %
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